female hair loss treatment for scarring alopecia mississippi

Traction Alopecia: What Is It & What You Need to Know

What is Traction Alopecia?

female hair loss treatment for scarring alopecia mississippiTraction alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs when excessive tension or pulling is applied to the hair follicles over a prolonged period of time. This condition is often caused by hairstyles that constantly pull on the hair, such as tight braids, ponytails, or extensions. While traction alopecia is more commonly associated with women, it can affect anyone who regularly engages in these hair styling practices.

Traction alopecia occurs when the hair follicles are repeatedly subjected to tension or pulling. This constant strain weakens the hair shaft and eventually leads to hair loss. The primary cause of traction alopecia is tight hairstyles that place excessive stress on the hair, such as tight ponytails, braids, or buns. Hair extensions and weaves can also contribute to traction alopecia if they are attached too tightly or worn for extended periods of time.

What Does Traction Alopecia Look Like?

The early signs of traction alopecia may include a receding hairline, thinning hair, and small bald spots. As the condition progresses, the affected areas may become more prominent, and the hair may begin to break off or fall out completely. Traction alopecia is typically seen along the hairline, temples, and the areas where the hair is pulled tightly, such as the crown of the head. If left untreated, traction alopecia can lead to permanent hair loss.

Traction Alopecia, Self-Esteem & Mental Health

Traction alopecia not only affects physical appearance but also has a significant impact on self-esteem and mental health. Hair loss can be emotionally distressing, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment, and even depression. Individuals with traction alopecia may experience a loss of confidence and avoid social situations, impacting their overall quality of life. It is important to address both the physical and emotional aspects of traction alopecia to achieve holistic healing.

Preventing Traction Alopecia

Dealing with the emotional effects of traction alopecia can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family who understand your struggles. Consider joining support groups or seeking professional counseling to address the emotional impact of hair loss. Embrace self-care practices that promote self-love and boost your confidence. Remember that your worth is not determined by your appearance, and that there are many ways to feel beautiful and confident, even with hair loss.

Preventing traction alopecia begins with adopting hair care practices that minimize tension and pulling on the hair. Avoid hairstyles that require excessive tightness or pulling, and opt for looser, more gentle styles instead. Regularly moisturize and condition the hair to keep it healthy and strong. It is also important to give the hair regular breaks from tight hairstyles to allow the follicles to recover. When using extensions or weaves, ensure they are properly installed and not too tight. By practicing these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing traction alopecia.

Hair Replacement Solutions for Traction Alopecia

For individuals experiencing significant hair loss due to traction alopecia, non-surgical hair replacement can provide a sense of normalcy and restore confidence. There are various options available, including wigs, hairpieces, and hair transplants. Wigs and hairpieces can be customized to match your natural hair color and style, providing a seamless and natural look. Hair transplants involve surgically transplanting hair follicles from one area of the scalp to the affected areas. Consulting with a hair loss specialist near you can help determine the best hair replacement solution for your unique needs.

Hair Loss Specialist in Tupelo, Mississippi

Traction alopecia is a condition that can have both physical and emotional consequences. Understanding the causes, signs, and symptoms of traction alopecia is crucial in order to prevent and address this condition effectively. By adopting gentle hair care practices, seeking emotional support, and exploring hair replacement solutions, individuals with traction alopecia can regain their self-esteem and confidence. Remember, hair loss does not define you, and there are solutions available to help you feel beautiful and whole again.

If you or someone you know is experiencing traction alopecia, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Contact us today to discuss your options and find the best solution for your needs. Your confidence and self-esteem deserve to be restored.

Women's Hair Restoration - Tupelo, MS

Female Hair Loss: A Woman’s Guide

Female Hair Loss and Aging

Women's Hair Restoration - Tupelo, MSThe most common cause of female hair loss is low thyroid function, which is common among menopausal women. Other causes include but are not limited to: changes in hormone levels (decrease or increase), increased testosterone, increased stress (physical or emotional), various medications, scalp/dermatological issues and heredity.

Any time sudden hair loss is experienced, one must consider events which took place up to three months prior to the hair loss, as factors affecting hair loss can often take up to three months to have an effect, i.e., were you diagnosed with something new in the past few months? Did you start taking medication during the past few months? Did you go through a traumatic experience (death of a loved one/friend, divorce and any other event that can be categorized as ‘traumatic’).

Although hair loss in women caused by aging and heredity is usually permanent, you may wish to ask your physician about these options:

  • Wigs and Hair Additions. If your hair loss is widespread, wigs may be a relatively inexpensive and easy option.
  • Laser Hair Therapy. Low Level Laser Treatments have been shown to slow or stop the progression of hair loss in women.

Most people naturally experience some hair loss as they get older. But age, changing hormones and heredity cause some to lose more hair than others. The result can be partial or total baldness, either temporary or permanent.

There are a lot of so-called remedies for female hair loss, but a good place to start reading about it (from a trusted source) is an article on thinning hair in women at the National Institutes of Health website.

Obviously if you have concerns about your own thinning hair, we are always available to help.

womens hair loss replacement tupelo starkville oxford mississippi

Common Hair Loss Myths

Hair loss. It’s an unfortunate thing to happen to the human body, and we can almost guarantee that no one is happy when they see their hair starting to thin or fall out completely. Here are some common hair loss facts that you may not have thought about up until recently. Some of them may surprise you!

Myth #1: Wearing Hats and Shampooing Too Much

womens hair loss replacement tupelo starkville oxford mississippiThis statement is number one on our list because it’s something we hear all the time.

  • “If you habitually and constantly wear hats, you could end up going bald.”
  • “If you shampoo your hair too frequently and experience product buildup, it could choke off your hair roots and you could lose your hair.”
  • “If the pores of your scalp are clogged, your hair can’t grow and will die and will fall out.”

These are ALL hair loss myths. Let’s take a look at the facts. Have you ever experienced an in-grown hair or had a blocked pore? Your hair did grow back, didn’t it? Dermatologists will tell you that blocked pores simply don’t cause hair loss. If that were the case, there would be an enormous market for scalp cleansers and people would no longer be going bald.

Many people similarly think that by constantly wearing hats, that over time they are preventing air circulation through their hair and scalp which is preventing their hair from growing. While this may be true in your garden, it isn’t true when it comes to your hair. That’s because hair follicles get the oxygen they need from your bloodstream. That’s not to negate the fact that it’s always good to have a healthy scalp, but hair loss is due to reasons quite apart from air circulation around the hair follicles and scalp.

But what if you see hair falling out when you shampoo your hair? This is actually completely normal. The average person looses up to 150 hairs per day, every day. And of course we most typically see this in the shower or around the bathroom sink.

Myth #2: With Old Age Comes Hair Loss

This is another myth. Several people experience hair loss at several different times in their lives due to many different reasons (what’s considered old age, anyway?). Some as early as 20 and 30-year-olds can experience baldness. According to the American Hair Loss Association, men who are affected by the condition can start seeing early signs of hair loss in their 20s.

There are a lot of health-related reasons and different types of hair loss a person could experience, as well. For example, Alopecia Universalis, a disease in which all body hair falls out including eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair. There’s also Alopecia Areata that causes baldness in children and young teens. There are countless reasons a person could be losing hair but there always seems to be a stigma around old age. It’s something society is always running from and it doesn’t necessarily cause your hair to disappear!

Myth #3: Hair Loss Coming From Mother Or Father?

Can you guess what the number one cause is? It’s hereditary! It’s the most common cause of hair loss, in men and women, and is medically known as androgenetic alopecia.

Technically speaking, baldness isn’t quite caused by your genes. The hair that has fallen out has in fact been replaced by another hair, just a much thinner and finer piece of hair. This is caused by the effects of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which is present in both men and women to varying degrees. The result is that as your hair gets thinner and thinner, suddenly you notice that you are losing your hair and starting to go bald.

But as Dr. Alan Bauman, a prominent Florida hair loss doctor said in the Huffington Post, you have to lose about 50 percent of your hair in order for thinning hair and balding to be apparent to the human eye. That is an enormous amount of hair to loose. So if you see only a few hair falling here and there, it’s probably nothing to worry about. Men and women typically loose about 100 hair per day, every day of their lives.

There’s also been quite a bit of lot of speculation as to whether you inherit baldness and thinning from one or the other of your parents side of the family. The answer is that both sides of your family heredity contribute to a person’s being susceptible to Androgenic Alopecia (hereditary pattern balding). Dermatologists specialising in hair loss have said:

“Heredity is the most common cause of hair loss,” she says. “The gene can be inherited from either the mother’s or father’s side of the family, though you’re more likely to be affected if both of your parents had hair loss.” – Dr. Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, WebMD.

Hair Los Treatment Solutions

If you suspect you’re dealing with hair loss or thinning hair, we hope these facts opened your eyes and changed your perspective a bit. There are a lot of myths put out there and we want to set the record straight with these facts. We saved the best for last: Hair loss can be easily treated!

To learn more about our custom men’s hair restoration procedures in Tupelo and to explore the many advanced hair loss treatment and hair replacement options for women in the Tupelo area, we invite you to speak with one of our experienced hair restoration specialist today. Our hair replacement specialists will work closely with you to find the perfect solution for your unique needs, lifestyle, and budget. Our goal is to help you find the perfect hair replacement solution to meet your own individual needs and make a well-informed decision about your hair restoration options.


womens hair loss wigs toppers tupelo mississippi

Spring Hairstyle Trends: Tortoise Shell Hair

womens hair loss wigs toppers tupelo mississippiThe spring season is a great time to freshen up your look — and one of the best ways to do so is with a new hair color. The ombré trend is on its way out; taking its place as the hottest color trend of the season is ecaille, or tortoiseshell. Celebs who are rocking the trend already include Jessica Alba, Lauren Conrad, and Gisele Bundchen.

What Is Tortoise Shell Hair?

The tortoiseshell hair trend was inspired by the pattern of the same name; it has mottled shades of brown and gold and is commonly used for eyeglass frames. Think soft hues of chocolate brown, caramel and golden honey woven together for a look that’s natural yet polished. Tortoiseshell refers more to the colors used than the placement — color can be started a few inches from the roots or farther down for a modern interpretation of the ombré trend.

How to Achieve Tortoiseshell Hair

Whether you’re working with a wig or your own hair, the tortoiseshell look can be achieved at the salon or — if you’re the DIY type — at home.

If you’re going to the salon:

Bring along photos that represent the look you want. It’s perfectly acceptable to save photos on your smartphone or tablet and show those to your stylist. Although your hair may not look exactly like the photo, it gives your hair professional a clear idea of how subtle or bold you want your color.

That’s one of the best things about this trend — it’s versatile. You can go heavier on dark tones with a few bronze or caramel strands woven through, or you can keep the color lighter by accenting medium and light shades of brown with dark chestnut strands. If you prefer a more natural look, ask your stylist to “melt” the colors together so that there’s little contrast between them. If bold is more your style, request light honey-gold tones to be placed next to darker tones so the colors stand out.

If you’re coloring your own hair:

Start with a permanent base color that’s either medium or dark brown, then choose two or three lighter shades in the same color family. Opt for warm or neutral tones rather than ash colors.

Apply your base color as directed by the package instructions. Once the dye has been washed out and your hair has been dried, you can move on to the next step, which is applying the ribbons of color.

When preparing your contrast colors, use bowls that are specially designed to hold hair dye (check your local beauty supply store) and apply the color with a balayage brush. Unlike the highlighting kits of the past, doing your own tortoiseshell color doesn’t require a cap and hook.

Simply choose the strands you want to color, then paint the dye onto each strand. Alternate color placement so that the finished product is multifaceted. For a gradual, effortless look, start the placement of the highlight colors at the midpoint of your hair. Placing light strands around the face creates a youthful look and brings attention to the eyes.

How to Care for Tortoise Shell Hair

Tortoiseshell hair color doesn’t require a lot of upkeep, which is one reason why it’s so popular for spring. Instead of touching up your roots once a month, it’s likely you can go several months before needing a color refresh. To keep your color vibrant, use a shampoo and conditioner formulated for color-treated hair, and don’t shampoo every day. After styling, mist hair with a hairspray or shine spray that has UV protection, which helps keep color from fading.

Don’t let hair loss keep you from achieving the look you want this spring season. Contact us today to learn about our hair replacement solutions. We also offer wigs to give you an effortless new style.

Female Hair Loss Restoration - Tupelo, Mississippi

Best Hair Styles for Your Job Interview

Hair Styling Advice for That Important Job Interview

Female Hair Loss Restoration - Tupelo, MississippiHow you style your hair for a job interview can be just as important as the interview clothes you wear. After all, the interviewer is going to notice everything about you – including your interview attire, hairstyle and makeup. That first glance is important and you’ll only have a few seconds to make a great impression!

There are lots of ways to style your hair for a job interview. While some options are funky and others are more traditional, remember that your hairstyle should strike a balance between your wardrobe and your makeup.

For example, if your makeup is a little edgy, try a more toned-down hair style. Be mindful of your final look, which should be tasteful, professional and polished. After all, you want the focus to be on you, and not how you styled your hair that morning.

What is the Best Way to Style Your Hair for a Job Interview?

Here are some examples…

  • Is a pony tail formal enough for a job interview? It can be, if you choose a polished look. Opt for sleek styling, using an anti-frizz product or styling cream to tame fly aways. For an elegant touch, pull a piece of hair from the bottom of your pony tail and wrap it around to conceal your hair tie, securing it with a bobby pin.
  • If you want a professional, polished look that doesn’t seem too stuffy, try out a style with easy, breezy loose curls.
  • If you have short hair and want to dress it up a bit, consider natural waves. This will add some body and style to your hair, without looking too over-the-top or over-done.
  • During your interview, you certainly don’t want to be worrying about pushing your hair out of your face. A style with one side pulled back can be a happy medium between wearing your hair down and styling it in a full updo. Even better, this is an easy look to style: just twist or brain one side back, and secure it behind your ear with a bobby pin.
  • The high bun is the perfect choice to get your hair up and out of the way, without compromising style. First, sweep your hair high on your head, leaving one piece free, and twist into a bun. Then, secure with a hair tie. To conceal the elastic, wrap the free piece around it and pin the piece of hair underneath the bun with a bobby pin.

Tupelo MS Hair Loss Specialists

Our Tupelo, MS. hair loss experts help people look their best every day, whether it’s for that all-important job interview, or helping solve thinning hair and hair loss problems. We are dedicated to helping each of our clients look and feel their best, with great looking hair and restored self-confidence. Do you have hair loss concerns?  Contact us to book a free, personal consultation. Find your perfect look and get all your hair loss and hair restoration questions answered – fully and confidentially.

mens hair replacement tupelo mississippi MS

Wearing a Custom Hair Replacement System

I’m sure most of you can relate to admiring someone else’s hair and wishing you could have locks like theirs. The good news is you can with custom non-surgical hair replacement systems.

mens hair replacement tupelo mississippi MSIt could be that some of those people who you have been admiring their hair could be wearing custom hair replacement system. One of the many details that makes them non-detectable is the hairline. The natural look is just like you would see on someone with naturally growing hair. This natural hair line is possible because of the technology used today.

Men and women that are dealing with hair loss and thinning hair can receive a nearly perfect hair loss solution with custom hair replacement systems that others can’t detect is not your own real hair.

Hair Systems for Men and Women

Often men’s and women’s hair loss are due to genetic and hormonal factors. For many men, they find it difficult to just accept their hair loss and at first try to hide it. They spend a lot of time in front of a mirror trying to restyle their hair in such a way that their thinning hair is minimized. Over time this no longer become a viable solution. Study show, for both hair loss is linked for many to lower self-esteem which is why it is important to find the right hair system for you.

Related: What Causes Hair Loss in Men and Women?

Custom hairpieces give you a tailor-made system that’s exclusively built for you. Your scalp and amount of hair loss is different from everyone else. This is the reason nothing comes off the shelf. Time is spent choosing the right color, hair density, wave, and style of your hair so your hair system fits perfectly and give the most natural appearance possible.

If you are looking for a non-surgical hair loss solution, then custom hair systems are a great option. They allow you to restore your hair in a timely fashion with results that often amaze the individual getting the hair system. Once they see themselves with hair again, it can feel life changing. Because every detail from the base to the hair density and hair color and texture are all taken into consideration men and women while their hair loss pattern is often different the end result is nothing short of amazing.

Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Replacement Systems

Q: Can I decide on the length of my hair?

A: Yes, this will be discussed in your hair loss consultation.

Q: If I choose a hair style that is curly, can I straighten my hair system?

A: Yes, the hair can be straightened, however you must use a protecting spray which we recommend for anyone using straighteners on real hair.

Q: Is the hair you use human hair?      

A: While synthetic and human hair can be used, human hair gives you the best natural look. It we will ensure the closest match possible to your own hair, for example European hair, Asian hair or Chinese hair.

Q: Will I be with people who do not suffer from hair loss?  

A: No, everybody at North Mississippi is seen in a private room.

female hair loss treatment for scarring alopecia mississippi

Wearing a Custom Hair System | Tupelo Hair Loss Specialist Q&A

Wearing a Custom Hair System

female hair loss treatment for scarring alopecia mississippiI’m sure most of you can relate to admiring someone else’s hair and wishing you could have locks like theirs. The good news is you can with custom non-surgical hair replacement systems. It could be that some of those people who you have been admiring their hair could be wearing custom hair replacement system. One of the many details that makes a men’s non-surgical hair replacement system undetectable is the hairline. The natural look is just like you would see on someone with naturally growing hair. This natural hair line is possible because of the technology used today.

Men and women in the Tupelo, Mississippi area who are dealing with hair loss and thinning hair can receive a nearly perfect hair loss solution with custom hair replacement systems that others can’t detect is not your own real hair.

Hair Replacement Systems for Men and Women

Often hair loss that men and women suffer is due to genetic and hormonal factors. For many men, they find it difficult to just accept their hair loss and at first try to hide it. They spend a lot of time in front of a mirror trying to restyle their hair in such a way that their thinning hair is minimized. Over time this no longer become a viable solution. Studies show that hair loss is linked for many to lower self-esteem which is why it is important to find the right hair system for you.

Our Tupelo custom hairpieces for women give you a tailer-made system that’s exclusively built for you. Your scalp and amount of hair loss is different from everyone else. This is the reason nothing comes off the shelf. Time is spent choosing the right color, hair density, wave, and style of your hair so your hair system fits perfectly and give the most natural appearance possible.

Related: What Causes Female Hair Loss

If you are looking for a non-surgical hair loss solution in the Tupelo, Mississippi area, then custom hair systems are a great option. They allow you to restore your hair in a timely fashion with results that often amaze the individual getting the hair system. Once they see themselves with hair again, it can feel life changing. Because every detail from the base to the hair density and hair color and texture are all taken into consideration men and women while their hair loss pattern is often different the end result is nothing short of amazing.

Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Replacement Systems:

Q: Can I decide on the length of my hair?
A: Yes, this will be discussed in your hair loss consultation.
Q: If I choose a hair style that is curly, can I straighten my hair system?
A: Yes, the hair can be straightened, however you must use a protecting spray which we recommend for anyone using straighteners on real hair.
Q: Is the hair you use human hair?
A: While synthetic and human hair can be used, human hair gives you the best natural look. It we will ensure the closest match possible to your own hair, for example European hair, Asian hair or Chinese hair.
Q: Will I be with people who do not suffer from hair loss?
A: No, everybody at North Mississippi is seen in a private room.

telogen efflufium holiday female hair loss tupelo ms

Holiday Hair Loss: How Seasonal Stress Impacts Your Tresses

telogen efflufium holiday female hair loss tupelo msSilver bells, turkey dinners, and…holiday hair loss? The holiday season is full of fun moments from family gatherings to office parties. However, the number of events, responsibilities, and added purchases mean the holidays can also be rife with stress—to the detriment of your hair.

How Stress and Hair Are Related

Hair goes through a simple cycle of growth, rest, and release. On a normal day, you can expect to lose up to around 100 strands of hair. Stress in the form of telogen effluvium, however, can force your hair to enter the resting phase prematurely. This premature life cycle means that more of your hair falls out at one time, resulting in above average hair loss. This usually doesn’t occur all at once, or even while you are experiencing stress. Your hair can be in the resting phase for up to three months, which means it could be that long before you notice any hair loss.

Avoiding Holiday Hair Loss This Season

While losing your hair isn’t what you normally equate with the holidays, the added stress of the season can play a role in unwanted hair loss. Instead of worrying about the impact this year will have on your lovely locks, use these simple tips to help keep your peace of mind—and hair—intact this holiday season and into the New Year.

Schedule Time for Yourself: Rather than adding one more party to your calendar, try scheduling some time for self-care. This looks different for everyone, so whether you relax by reading a book, binge-watching Hallmark movies, or conditioning your hair—find some time for yourself in the midst of the holiday rush.

Create a Gift Budget: Holiday stress is, in part, due to the increase in spending and the pressure it puts on your finances. This year, create a gift budget and try sticking to it. While you’re at it, budget in a haircut and color and treat yourself to some holiday pampering.

Know Your Options: If you’re experiencing holiday hair loss and you aren’t sure what to do next, there is peace of mind when you have the right resources. Holiday hair loss from stress doesn’t necessarily cause long-term issues, but if your hair loss does persist, you are not alone. Check out Transitions Hair Loss Centers’ great resources, natural products, and hair-loss solutions.

Take care of your hair this holiday season by taking care of yourself! When you feel stress influencing your holiday cheer, take some time to slow down, relax, and enjoy this special time of year. Your hair will thank you. If you are experiencing hair loss, contact us today to schedule a free, private consultation and find out which hair loss solutions will help you restore the great looking hair you deserve.





Female Hair Loss Restoration - Tupelo, Mississippi

Menopause and Hair Loss: What You Should Know

Female Hair Loss Restoration - Tupelo, MississippiFor many women, their hair is an extension of their self-esteem, and even self-worth. Long, beautiful locks represent youth and vitality for some. As we age, there are transitions that happen that can lead to hair loss and menopause is one of the changes that affect our hair.

Here is what you should know about menopause and hair loss.

Menopause and Female Hair Loss

The average age of menopause is around 50 years old. However, some experience it much earlier in age or some are lucky enough for it not to show up till later on in life. While experiencing menopause and even leading up to it, some women begin to notice changes in their hair. It may seem thinner, they may see more of in the shower after a shampoo, and some experience thinning in various places such as the crown, sides, or all over. It may seem that the hair is not growing like it used to or doesn’t have the same volume. Not everyone has hair loss due to menopause, but it is a common issue for those going through it.

Why Does This Happen?

According to Women’s Health Concern:

Although it can happen at any age, the condition occurs most commonly following the menopause. This does not mean that hormones alone are to blame, although estrogen may have a protective role, helping to keep hair in the ‘growing phase’.

What Can You Do?

Changes in hair from menopause is a natural occurrence. Genetics also play a role in hair loss – even for women. The good news? This does slow down with time and the hair loss will not be as prevalent. A few ways you can help on your own is to eat a balanced diet, make sure your medications are not encouraging hair loss, and reduce the use of practices such as hair straightening, hair dryers, and any other heating tools.

If you are experiencing hair loss due to menopause or any other reason, there are solutions. At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions, we offer all proven hair replacement and hair restoration solutions for women. Contact us today to learn more.

hair loss restoration treatment tupelo oxford starkville ms

New Year’s Resolution Time: Doing Something About Your Hair Loss

New Year’s Resolutions – Tupelo MS Hair Restoration Studio

hair loss restoration treatment tupelo oxford starkville msStarting off the new year always comes with a host of New Year’s resolutions. Some may include going to the gym or eating healthier. But if you are a man or woman who hates to look in the mirror because all you can fixate on is how thin your hair has become, the New Year is the perfect time to finally do something about your hair loss and restore a full head of amazingly great looking hair in the latest styles or in your old favorite style.

If you are a man or woman in the Tupelo MS area who is suffering from thinning hair and balding, we’ve gathered some information for you to help you make that decision to finally do something about it and do something for you.

How Badly Does Hair Loss Really Bother You?

Yes, it may be true that hair loss may not seem like a big deal when you compare it to some of the other types of health issues people face. If you take a look back through history, you will see that our hair has always been important. People will often judge your health by how your hair looks. Our hair can make us feel great, just think back to your last good hair day and you see what we mean. Your confidence level goes up when you have great looking hair.  And people more often than not make an initial judgement about us based on our appearance – whether we look healthy and fresh.  Hair loss can make you look 10 years older than you are (or feel).

A dermatologist and Harvard Medical School instructor Maryanne Senna, MD, who specializes in hair loss from an evolutionary perspective say that having hair that is thick and luscious has traditionally been a sign of youth, fitness, and good health. For a person to lose their hair it can be difficult to accept and for women, it can be even more detrimental to their self-esteem.

Hair Loss: What Can You Do?

Some people that have thinning hair may turn to the latest fad. Whether it be a new supplement or shampoo that comes with a promise of working or going on the internet where there is no shortage of information that is questionable at best. It’s a natural reaction to want to find a cure for your thinning hair. The problem with hair loss is that it is often tied to underlying genetic or medical issues. To really find a treatment that will work you need to first find out the real cause of your hair loss.

Some of the reasons that people in the Tupelo MS area (and elsewhere) may develop hair loss can range from stress, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, and many, many other causes. By seeing a hair loss specialist, they can help you find the real cause of your hair loss, and help you find the right solution that not only will restore your hair but increase your self-esteem.

What Hair Loss Treatments are Available?

Today more than ever there are many different hair replacement and hair restoration options for men and women. They range from non-surgical and laser hair loss treatment therapy to hair extensions and wigs. If you are one of the many men and women with thinning hair and are looking for a solution, we encourage you to let us help you. We have proven and effective hair replacement and hair restoration solutions that can make you love your hair again.

Are you ready to do something about your hair loss?  Give us a call today and schedule a free, no-obligation hair loss consultation. Call (662) 842-1222 now.