mens hair loss restoration replacement Tupelo Mississippi

What is Non-Surgical Hair Replacement?

mens hair loss restoration replacement Tupelo MississippiWe have all seen the bad toupees our grandparents wore. In comedy, these have always been the butt of many jokes but for those who suffer with hair loss don’t find it funny. Non-Surgical Hair Replacement in Tupelo, Mississippi has changed the way people look at hair loss. People who suffer from alopecia and thinning hair have to do their homework and find the right hair replacement specialists for them and their needs. The advances in technology now allows for hair replacements that can restore your hair and only you will know it’s not your real hair, even to those who get up close. Regardless of the amount of thinning hair you have, there are solutions that can be custom made just for you.

Today hair replacement is the perfect alternative for people that want to restore their full head of hair without surgery. We are particularly proud of our reputation for technologically advanced non-surgical hair replacement for men and women in the Burlington/Williston area. We are dedicated to helping clients get the right solution for their hair loss problems, and making sure it is right for them.

The advances in techniques, and the quality of hair used has made a huge difference what consumers have available to them for choices. Of course what hair system you go with will depend greatly on the type of hair loss you have so it’s important to ask lots of questions ranging from type of hair, hair replacement solutions offered and what type of upkeep is needed. These questions not only inform you as a consumer but also helps the clinic determine what concerns you have, and that will assist them in finding the perfect solution for your hair loss needs.

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Common Hair Loss Myths

Hair loss. It’s an unfortunate thing to happen to the human body, and we can almost guarantee that no one is happy when they see their hair starting to thin or fall out completely. Here are some common hair loss facts that you may not have thought about up until recently. Some of them may surprise you!

Myth #1: Wearing Hats and Shampooing Too Much

womens hair loss replacement tupelo starkville oxford mississippiThis statement is number one on our list because it’s something we hear all the time.

  • “If you habitually and constantly wear hats, you could end up going bald.”
  • “If you shampoo your hair too frequently and experience product buildup, it could choke off your hair roots and you could lose your hair.”
  • “If the pores of your scalp are clogged, your hair can’t grow and will die and will fall out.”

These are ALL hair loss myths. Let’s take a look at the facts. Have you ever experienced an in-grown hair or had a blocked pore? Your hair did grow back, didn’t it? Dermatologists will tell you that blocked pores simply don’t cause hair loss. If that were the case, there would be an enormous market for scalp cleansers and people would no longer be going bald.

Many people similarly think that by constantly wearing hats, that over time they are preventing air circulation through their hair and scalp which is preventing their hair from growing. While this may be true in your garden, it isn’t true when it comes to your hair. That’s because hair follicles get the oxygen they need from your bloodstream. That’s not to negate the fact that it’s always good to have a healthy scalp, but hair loss is due to reasons quite apart from air circulation around the hair follicles and scalp.

But what if you see hair falling out when you shampoo your hair? This is actually completely normal. The average person looses up to 150 hairs per day, every day. And of course we most typically see this in the shower or around the bathroom sink.

Myth #2: With Old Age Comes Hair Loss

This is another myth. Several people experience hair loss at several different times in their lives due to many different reasons (what’s considered old age, anyway?). Some as early as 20 and 30-year-olds can experience baldness. According to the American Hair Loss Association, men who are affected by the condition can start seeing early signs of hair loss in their 20s.

There are a lot of health-related reasons and different types of hair loss a person could experience, as well. For example, Alopecia Universalis, a disease in which all body hair falls out including eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair. There’s also Alopecia Areata that causes baldness in children and young teens. There are countless reasons a person could be losing hair but there always seems to be a stigma around old age. It’s something society is always running from and it doesn’t necessarily cause your hair to disappear!

Myth #3: Hair Loss Coming From Mother Or Father?

Can you guess what the number one cause is? It’s hereditary! It’s the most common cause of hair loss, in men and women, and is medically known as androgenetic alopecia.

Technically speaking, baldness isn’t quite caused by your genes. The hair that has fallen out has in fact been replaced by another hair, just a much thinner and finer piece of hair. This is caused by the effects of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which is present in both men and women to varying degrees. The result is that as your hair gets thinner and thinner, suddenly you notice that you are losing your hair and starting to go bald.

But as Dr. Alan Bauman, a prominent Florida hair loss doctor said in the Huffington Post, you have to lose about 50 percent of your hair in order for thinning hair and balding to be apparent to the human eye. That is an enormous amount of hair to loose. So if you see only a few hair falling here and there, it’s probably nothing to worry about. Men and women typically loose about 100 hair per day, every day of their lives.

There’s also been quite a bit of lot of speculation as to whether you inherit baldness and thinning from one or the other of your parents side of the family. The answer is that both sides of your family heredity contribute to a person’s being susceptible to Androgenic Alopecia (hereditary pattern balding). Dermatologists specialising in hair loss have said:

“Heredity is the most common cause of hair loss,” she says. “The gene can be inherited from either the mother’s or father’s side of the family, though you’re more likely to be affected if both of your parents had hair loss.” – Dr. Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, WebMD.

Hair Los Treatment Solutions

If you suspect you’re dealing with hair loss or thinning hair, we hope these facts opened your eyes and changed your perspective a bit. There are a lot of myths put out there and we want to set the record straight with these facts. We saved the best for last: Hair loss can be easily treated!

To learn more about our custom men’s hair restoration procedures in Tupelo and to explore the many advanced hair loss treatment and hair replacement options for women in the Tupelo area, we invite you to speak with one of our experienced hair restoration specialist today. Our hair replacement specialists will work closely with you to find the perfect solution for your unique needs, lifestyle, and budget. Our goal is to help you find the perfect hair replacement solution to meet your own individual needs and make a well-informed decision about your hair restoration options.


female hair loss solutions tupelo ms

The Baldness Debate: Can You Predict Hair Loss Based on Family History?

Hair loss is a common problem that affects many people worldwide. It can be a distressing experience, especially for men who are more likely to experience baldness than women. One of the most debated topics in the hair loss community is whether you can predict hair loss based on family history. In this article, we will explore the genetics of hair loss, the role of the Androgen Receptor gene, and other factors that contribute to hair loss. We will also debunk the myth of the mother’s side of the family, explore lifestyle changes to prevent hair loss, and discuss hair loss treatments and remedies.

Understanding the Genetics of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a complex trait that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. The most common type of hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia, which affects both men and women. Androgenetic alopecia is caused by the interaction of genes and hormones, specifically the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

The genetics of hair loss are not fully understood, but it is known that there are several genes involved. One of the most well-known genes is the Androgen Receptor gene, which is located on the X chromosome. Men inherit one X chromosome from their mother and one Y chromosome from their father, while women inherit one X chromosome from each parent.

The Role of the Androgen Receptor Gene

The Androgen Receptor gene plays a crucial role in the development of androgenetic alopecia. This gene codes for a protein called the androgen receptor, which is responsible for binding to DHT and activating genes that cause hair follicles to shrink.

People who inherit certain variations of the Androgen Receptor gene are more likely to develop androgenetic alopecia. In men, these variations cause hair follicles to become more sensitive to DHT, leading to the miniaturization of hair follicles and eventual hair loss. Women can also inherit these variations, although they are less likely to develop androgenetic alopecia.

Can You Predict Hair Loss Based on Family History?

Family history is one of the most significant predictors of hair loss. If your father, grandfather, or other male relatives have experienced hair loss, you are more likely to develop androgenetic alopecia. However, this does not mean that you will definitely experience hair loss.

Genetics is only one factor that contributes to hair loss. Environmental factors, such as stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances, can also play a role. Additionally, the severity and pattern of hair loss can vary widely among individuals with similar genetic backgrounds.

Related: How Does Hair Replacement for Men Work?

Other Factors That Contribute to Hair Loss

In addition to genetics, there are several other factors that can contribute to hair loss. These include:

  • Age: Hair loss is more common as people age.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by pregnancy or menopause, can cause hair loss.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs and blood thinners, can cause hair loss.
  • Medical conditions: Medical conditions such as thyroid disorders and autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss.

The Myth of the Mother’s Side of the Family

There is a common myth that hair loss is only inherited from the mother’s side of the family. However, this is not true. Hair loss is inherited from both parents, although the specific genes involved may differ.

While it is true that the Androgen Receptor gene is located on the X chromosome, which is inherited from the mother, the gene is also present in men, who inherit one X chromosome from their mother and one Y chromosome from their father.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Hair Loss

While genetics plays a significant role in hair loss, there are several lifestyle changes that can help prevent or slow down hair loss. These include:

  • Eating a healthy diet: A diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help promote healthy hair growth.
  • Managing stress: Stress can contribute to hair loss, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through exercise or meditation, can be beneficial.
  • Avoiding harsh hair treatments: Chemical treatments and heat styling can damage hair and contribute to hair loss.
  • Quitting smoking: Smoking has been linked to hair loss, so quitting smoking can help prevent hair loss.

Hair Loss Treatments and Remedies

There are several treatments and remedies available for hair loss. These include:

  • Medications: Medications such as finasteride and minoxidil can help slow down or reverse hair loss.
  • Hair transplant surgery: Hair transplant surgery involves taking hair from one area of the scalp and transplanting it to areas of hair loss.
  • Natural remedies: Natural remedies, such as essential oils and herbal supplements, are also available for hair loss.
  • Non-surgical hair replacement: an ideal solution for men, women and children of all ages.

It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any hair loss treatment or remedy.

Coping with Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a distressing experience, but there are several ways to cope with it. These include:

  • Talking to a healthcare professional: A healthcare professional can help you understand the causes of your hair loss and recommend treatments.
  • Wearing hats or wigs: Wearing hats or wigs can help cover up hair loss and improve self-confidence.
  • Finding support: Joining a support group or talking to friends and family can help you feel less alone in your experience.


In conclusion, while family history is a significant predictor of hair loss, it is not the only factor. Genetics, age, hormonal changes, medications, and medical conditions can all contribute to hair loss. However, there are several lifestyle changes and treatments available that can help slow down or reverse hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss, it is essential to talk to a healthcare professional to understand the underlying causes and explore treatment options.

mens hair replacement tupelo mississippi MS

Wearing a Custom Hair Replacement System

I’m sure most of you can relate to admiring someone else’s hair and wishing you could have locks like theirs. The good news is you can with custom non-surgical hair replacement systems.

mens hair replacement tupelo mississippi MSIt could be that some of those people who you have been admiring their hair could be wearing custom hair replacement system. One of the many details that makes them non-detectable is the hairline. The natural look is just like you would see on someone with naturally growing hair. This natural hair line is possible because of the technology used today.

Men and women that are dealing with hair loss and thinning hair can receive a nearly perfect hair loss solution with custom hair replacement systems that others can’t detect is not your own real hair.

Hair Systems for Men and Women

Often men’s and women’s hair loss are due to genetic and hormonal factors. For many men, they find it difficult to just accept their hair loss and at first try to hide it. They spend a lot of time in front of a mirror trying to restyle their hair in such a way that their thinning hair is minimized. Over time this no longer become a viable solution. Study show, for both hair loss is linked for many to lower self-esteem which is why it is important to find the right hair system for you.

Related: What Causes Hair Loss in Men and Women?

Custom hairpieces give you a tailor-made system that’s exclusively built for you. Your scalp and amount of hair loss is different from everyone else. This is the reason nothing comes off the shelf. Time is spent choosing the right color, hair density, wave, and style of your hair so your hair system fits perfectly and give the most natural appearance possible.

If you are looking for a non-surgical hair loss solution, then custom hair systems are a great option. They allow you to restore your hair in a timely fashion with results that often amaze the individual getting the hair system. Once they see themselves with hair again, it can feel life changing. Because every detail from the base to the hair density and hair color and texture are all taken into consideration men and women while their hair loss pattern is often different the end result is nothing short of amazing.

Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Replacement Systems

Q: Can I decide on the length of my hair?

A: Yes, this will be discussed in your hair loss consultation.

Q: If I choose a hair style that is curly, can I straighten my hair system?

A: Yes, the hair can be straightened, however you must use a protecting spray which we recommend for anyone using straighteners on real hair.

Q: Is the hair you use human hair?      

A: While synthetic and human hair can be used, human hair gives you the best natural look. It we will ensure the closest match possible to your own hair, for example European hair, Asian hair or Chinese hair.

Q: Will I be with people who do not suffer from hair loss?  

A: No, everybody at North Mississippi is seen in a private room.

female hair loss treatment for scarring alopecia mississippi

Wearing a Custom Hair System | Tupelo Hair Loss Specialist Q&A

Wearing a Custom Hair System

female hair loss treatment for scarring alopecia mississippiI’m sure most of you can relate to admiring someone else’s hair and wishing you could have locks like theirs. The good news is you can with custom non-surgical hair replacement systems. It could be that some of those people who you have been admiring their hair could be wearing custom hair replacement system. One of the many details that makes a men’s non-surgical hair replacement system undetectable is the hairline. The natural look is just like you would see on someone with naturally growing hair. This natural hair line is possible because of the technology used today.

Men and women in the Tupelo, Mississippi area who are dealing with hair loss and thinning hair can receive a nearly perfect hair loss solution with custom hair replacement systems that others can’t detect is not your own real hair.

Hair Replacement Systems for Men and Women

Often hair loss that men and women suffer is due to genetic and hormonal factors. For many men, they find it difficult to just accept their hair loss and at first try to hide it. They spend a lot of time in front of a mirror trying to restyle their hair in such a way that their thinning hair is minimized. Over time this no longer become a viable solution. Studies show that hair loss is linked for many to lower self-esteem which is why it is important to find the right hair system for you.

Our Tupelo custom hairpieces for women give you a tailer-made system that’s exclusively built for you. Your scalp and amount of hair loss is different from everyone else. This is the reason nothing comes off the shelf. Time is spent choosing the right color, hair density, wave, and style of your hair so your hair system fits perfectly and give the most natural appearance possible.

Related: What Causes Female Hair Loss

If you are looking for a non-surgical hair loss solution in the Tupelo, Mississippi area, then custom hair systems are a great option. They allow you to restore your hair in a timely fashion with results that often amaze the individual getting the hair system. Once they see themselves with hair again, it can feel life changing. Because every detail from the base to the hair density and hair color and texture are all taken into consideration men and women while their hair loss pattern is often different the end result is nothing short of amazing.

Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Replacement Systems:

Q: Can I decide on the length of my hair?
A: Yes, this will be discussed in your hair loss consultation.
Q: If I choose a hair style that is curly, can I straighten my hair system?
A: Yes, the hair can be straightened, however you must use a protecting spray which we recommend for anyone using straighteners on real hair.
Q: Is the hair you use human hair?
A: While synthetic and human hair can be used, human hair gives you the best natural look. It we will ensure the closest match possible to your own hair, for example European hair, Asian hair or Chinese hair.
Q: Will I be with people who do not suffer from hair loss?
A: No, everybody at North Mississippi is seen in a private room.