genetic pattern baldness in men

Four Reasons England’s Princes Are Going Bald

genetic pattern baldness in menOver the years, it has become quite noticeable that Prince William and Prince Harry are becoming bald. Although baldness can often make young gentlemen look older than they really are, knowing what causes premature balding can help them feel more comfortable with the situation. If it’s not a chronic condition, it may even help them learn how to treat it. The following guide provides a few reasons why Prince Harry and Prince William may be losing their hair.

Genetics plays a huge role when it comes to male pattern baldness. When a father has male pattern baldness, the likelihood of their child having it is very high. Inheriting the genes that lead to premature balding can make it very difficult for someone to keep a full head of hair throughout their life. Most men who suffer from male pattern baldness start losing their hair in their early twenties and often have very noticeable loss before they turn 30.

Stress can lead to temporary hair loss. There are some people who inadvertently rub, twist or pull their hair excessively when they are stressed. Stress can often cause hormonal changes that can cause hair to fall out. It’s best to limit stress as much as possible to prevent hair loss. Yoga, meditation and regular exercise have all been shown to be great ways to reduce stress.

Other Factors Affecting Hair Loss in Men

Sudden changes in diet can overwhelm the system and cause someone to lose their hair. A deficiency in iron can also be a contributing factor when it comes to thinning hair. It’s important to eat foods rich in iron if someone wants to minimize his or her hair loss.

Hair loss can also be a sign of an underlying illness. Alopecia areata is a condition that causes the hair to fall out slowly over time. It does not lead to permanent hair loss though. The hair will grow back eventually. However, scarring alopecia is a different condition altogether. This condition causes hair follicles to actually die and then fall out. Scarred tissue is left behind, and hair will never grow in that area again.

When someone starts to lose their hair, it’s best to visit the doctor or a hair loss specialist right away. Tests and an analysis can be done to determine what is causing the hair loss and potential solutions can be determined to minimize the hair that is lost. At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions, our professional hair loss specialists understand the importance of quality and comfort you look for from people you can trust. To schedule a free, private hair loss consultation with one of our professional consultants, CLICK HERE.



hair loss restoration treatment tupelo oxford starkville ms

New Year’s Resolution Time: Doing Something About Your Hair Loss

New Year’s Resolutions – Tupelo MS Hair Restoration Studio

hair loss restoration treatment tupelo oxford starkville msStarting off the new year always comes with a host of New Year’s resolutions. Some may include going to the gym or eating healthier. But if you are a man or woman who hates to look in the mirror because all you can fixate on is how thin your hair has become, the New Year is the perfect time to finally do something about your hair loss and restore a full head of amazingly great looking hair in the latest styles or in your old favorite style.

If you are a man or woman in the Tupelo MS area who is suffering from thinning hair and balding, we’ve gathered some information for you to help you make that decision to finally do something about it and do something for you.

How Badly Does Hair Loss Really Bother You?

Yes, it may be true that hair loss may not seem like a big deal when you compare it to some of the other types of health issues people face. If you take a look back through history, you will see that our hair has always been important. People will often judge your health by how your hair looks. Our hair can make us feel great, just think back to your last good hair day and you see what we mean. Your confidence level goes up when you have great looking hair.  And people more often than not make an initial judgement about us based on our appearance – whether we look healthy and fresh.  Hair loss can make you look 10 years older than you are (or feel).

A dermatologist and Harvard Medical School instructor Maryanne Senna, MD, who specializes in hair loss from an evolutionary perspective say that having hair that is thick and luscious has traditionally been a sign of youth, fitness, and good health. For a person to lose their hair it can be difficult to accept and for women, it can be even more detrimental to their self-esteem.

Hair Loss: What Can You Do?

Some people that have thinning hair may turn to the latest fad. Whether it be a new supplement or shampoo that comes with a promise of working or going on the internet where there is no shortage of information that is questionable at best. It’s a natural reaction to want to find a cure for your thinning hair. The problem with hair loss is that it is often tied to underlying genetic or medical issues. To really find a treatment that will work you need to first find out the real cause of your hair loss.

Some of the reasons that people in the Tupelo MS area (and elsewhere) may develop hair loss can range from stress, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, and many, many other causes. By seeing a hair loss specialist, they can help you find the real cause of your hair loss, and help you find the right solution that not only will restore your hair but increase your self-esteem.

What Hair Loss Treatments are Available?

Today more than ever there are many different hair replacement and hair restoration options for men and women. They range from non-surgical and laser hair loss treatment therapy to hair extensions and wigs. If you are one of the many men and women with thinning hair and are looking for a solution, we encourage you to let us help you. We have proven and effective hair replacement and hair restoration solutions that can make you love your hair again.

Are you ready to do something about your hair loss?  Give us a call today and schedule a free, no-obligation hair loss consultation. Call (662) 842-1222 now.

Hair Transplants - North Misssissippi

More Mississippi Men Turning to Hair Transplant Surgery

With continuous advances being made in all fields of medicine, hair transplantation is no exception. As a result, more and more men are turning to hair transplant surgery to address issues of male pattern baldness caused by androgenetic alopecia and the related effects of DHT or Dihydrotestosterone and it’s contribution to men’s hair loss. In fact, hair transplantation has now become one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures among men. Three reasons why this may be so include:

Vast Improvements Hair Transplant Surgical Technology

Hair Transplants - North MisssissippiHair Transplant Surgery is progressed by leaps and bounds in just the last few years alone. Old fashioned, pluggy, “toy doll” are a thing of the past. With the most advanced FUE follicular unit extraction hair transplant procedures now available, today’s modern hair transplant surgery techniques leave no unsightly visible scarring in the donor area, and yield remarkable, aesthetically natural hair transplant results with tremendous patient acceptance and satisfaction in their results. And with today’s Advance hair transplant technology giving hair transplant surgeons the ability to transplant hair with unparalleled accuracy, same-day outpatient hair transplant recovery time is minimal, with post-operative recovery time as little as 48 hours.

Permanent Hair Restoration with My Own Growing Hair

The results of today’s hair transplant procedures, whether performed by manually or with the assistance of hair transplant technology, are permanent. After your hair transplant procedure, your newly transplanted hair will start to grow after about three to fur months, and in about 14 months will have achieved its final density and fullness. And with advanced FUE hair transplant technology, there is no visible scar, so you can wear your hair in any style you want, including very short “high and tight” modern hair styles.

With respect to hair transplant results, manually performed hair transplants typically have a transection rate of 5% up to 20%, depending upon the skill of the individual surgeon. Transection occurs when the hair bulb is permanently damaged during extraction, and therefore is rendered unsuitable for successful transplantation. However, with the advanced FUE transplant procedure, transection rates below 3% are typically achieved, with up to 97% of hair follicles being successfully transplanted. North Mississippi hair transplant surgeons routinely achieve a transection rate below 3%.

With FUE hair transplant technology, there is also the added benefit that it helps the hair transplant surgeon determine the direction of hair growth much more accurately, thereby yielding a much more aesthetically pleasing and natural hair transplant result.

Enhanced Self-Image and Self-Esteem

For the average hair transplant recipient, restoring a full head of great looking hair directly affects their self-image and by turn their self-confidence. How we see ourselves helps us judge how we feel that others see us. This translates directly to our professional lives, our personal lives, and our overall mental well-being. Is it any wonder more and more men who are suffering from hair loss and thinning hair are looking for the best hair transplants and life have to offer?

Talk to an North Mississippi Hair Transplant Specialist

North Mississippi Medical Hair Restoration in Tupelo, Mississippi offers the latest in hair transplant solutions, as well as a full range of clinically proven hair restoration options and hair loss treatment solutions.

To learn more about our custom hair restoration solutions and to explore the many advanced hair loss treatment and hair transplant options available to you, we invite you to speak with an experienced North Mississippi hair transplant and hair restoration specialist today. Our goal is to help you find the perfect hair restoration solution to meet your own individual needs and make a well-informed decision about your hair restoration options.

mens hair styles tupelo ms

Best Men’s Hairstyles for Your Face Shape

Hair loss and thinning hair affect a man’s appearance, but it also affects a man’s self-esteem and self-image. However, with effective non-surgical hair replacement and hair restoration techniques, you can get back a full head of hair that looks and feels natural. With your newly strong and healthy hair, it’s important to know the best hairstyles that fit your face shape. The infographic below, created by Men’s Hairstyles Today, displays the best haircuts men can get to fully compliment their style.

Best Mens Hairstyles by Face Shape

North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions | Hair Restoration And Replacement For Men

Our custom non-surgical men’s hair restoration solutions combine the latest in hair restoration technology and artistry, resulting in a totally natural look and feel to restore not only your hair, but also your life and style. No matter which hairstyle you prefer hair loss can prevent you from looking and feeling your best. At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions in Tupelo, Mississippi, we specialize in hair restoration and replacement solutions. To schedule a free hair and scalp analysis call us today.

Hollywood Celebrity hair Styles

Hollywood Leading Men: Which Ones Wear Wigs?

mens hair loss treatment options tupelo mississippiFor many when we hear the word toupee, it has become something of a taboo and men are still leery of the word wig. Today we have non-surgical hair replacement solutions called hair systems. For a lot of men there is a lot of concern as to whether or not a hair system will look like the stigma of a toupee or look natural and real. It may come as a surprise to most men that some of Hollywood’s hottest stars use hair system!

In John Travolta’s latest role as Robert Shapiro in the “People vs. O.J. Simpson” it’s quite obvious that he has done something to his hair. In reality he uses a hair replacement system to maintain a youthful appearance.

Nicholas Cage has often used a hair system throughout his film career. He’s not ashamed of his receding hairline or his hair loss but when duty calls, he’ll wear the appropriate hair system in order to nail the role. If you have seen Con-Air where he played a good guy ex-con you can see him with a hair system that is luscious and lengthy.

Are you team Edward? If you don’t know what that means then you are probably not familiar with Robert Pattinson. He’s 30 years old but Mr. Pattinson has been struggling with hair loss for almost ten years, but don’t tell the millions of tweenagers pining over him thanks to a men’s hair replacement system that he wears and they are none the wiser.

Before Mr. Affleck was Batman, he has suffered from hair loss ever since his early twenties. Throughout his entire career women have consistently thrown themselves at him. You have to respect a hair system that can do that.

There are just a few of the Hollywood A-listers who use a hair system in order to maintain their sex appeal and youthfulness. If you are suffering from thinning hair or hair loss come see us and we can discuss with you the options available to you.

At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions, we have proven that getting to the root of men’s hair loss immediately is beneficial if you want to prevent hair loss. Whether or not you’re showing signs of advanced hair loss, early intervention is always the best defense against future hair loss. To schedule a free consultation call us at (662) 842-1222 or to contact us online.

hair restoration tupelo mississippi

Crash Dieting: Can It Harm Your Hair & Skin?

Summer is almost upon us and as we start to shed the bulky clothing for shorts and t-shirts we notice it’s also time to diet. Thinking of doing a crash diet? Stop, don’t do it as it can actually cause you a number of health problems and do damage to your skin and hair. This can be particularly true if you are suffering from hair loss or going through medical treatments that affect your hair.

There is good news and that the right diet can not only reduce those unwanted pounds but also give your body the nutrients it needs to be health and keep your hair looking great.

Why Crash Diets Aren’t Worth It

Crash diets can be very harmful to your overall health. They take away foods from your diet that robs your body from important nutrients and limit your intake of calories from few sources. Crash diets work for a few days or week but long term crash diets can be a bad decision for your health.

Crash diets in nature have a negative impact because you drastically limit the quality of nutrients your body gets. When your eat a balanced diet you get a variety of foods that give you different nutrients that your body will use to boost your immune system, give your skin and hair nutrients that will keep them remaining healthy. Crash diets remove many of these foods and therefore, removes the healthy nutrients you receive from them. They can also lead to a condition known as telogen effluvium, which causes hair loss as a result of severe stress on the body’s nervous system.

Another reason you want to avoid crash diets is simply they lead to crashing afterwards. What this means is that you will find that once you are unable to sustain the diet and will eventually fall off of it. After which you may find yourself bingeing on foods that you shouldn’t eat. To avoid this type of negative impact you need to eat a healthy diet.

So How Can You Lose Weight and Keep Your Hair and Skin Healthy?

You should know that you can improve your diet and improve your health at the same time.

• The right diet will help you not only lose weight but keep the weight off.
• It also goes a long way to improve your skin health and keeps your hair looking fabulous.

If you want to avoid the harmful effects that crash diets can have on creating hair loss then you will want to stick to a healthy diet.

What is a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet is one that gives your body the nutrients necessary to function and look it’s best. To help you find the right diet for you and help you not only meet your weight loss goals but also to improve your skin and hair follow these tips:

• Reduce the amount of calories you take in from various food groups. If you do this on a regular basis then your body will turn to stored fat to burn.
• Exercise in not only good for your over-all health but essential when trying to lose weight. It will also keep you looking younger by helping to tone your skin.
• Making simple changes like from “white” carbs to whole grain is preferred. White carbs are full of sugar where whole grain carbs will keep you feeling full longer and will have more nutrients.
• Make 80 percent of your dinner plate come from the garden. Your body will get more valuable nutrients from vegetables than anything else.

If your goal is to lose weight, then follow these tips and you will not only shed those pounds but your skin will look younger and the health of your hair will improve. And if you want to have the best looking hair you’ve ever dreamed about this summer, give us a call.

mens hair styles toupee mississippi

Taking a Look at 50 Years of Men’s Hair Styles

Hair loss and thinning hair affect a man’s appearance, but it also affects a man’s self-esteem and self-image. However, with effective non-surgical hair replacement and hair restoration techniques, you can get back a full head of hair that looks and feels natural.

In fact, our goal at North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions in Tupelo is to provide our client’s with a transformation worth of restoring their confidence and swagger.

This weeks post offers a look back at the hair trend hall of fame, courtesy of an infographic created by “Hairstyleonpoint.” Take a look to see if the infographic covers a hairstyle you would love to have.

Whether you’re seeking a rockabilly pompadour or a more modern undercut, the hair restoration specialists at North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions can handle any style!


Hair Style Infographic

Restore Your Hair & Your Style

If you are suffering from hair loss and thinning hair, there’s no reason why you can’t have the hair you’ve always wanted.  At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions in Tupelo, we can help.  We invite you to schedule your free, confidential hair loss replacement consultation today. Meet with a trained hair restoration professional at our state-of-the-art hair replacement center in Tupelo, Mississippi.

At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions, we offer a variety of hair restoration and hair loss treatment programs for men and women of all ages and hair types. If after a thorough hair loss evaluation, we determine that you are a viable candidate for this type of treatment protocol, we will make a recommendation based on the outcome of your consultation.

Say Goodbye to hair loss anxiety once and for all. Call (662) 842-1222 today.

hair loss replacement men tupelo mississippi ms

Male Pattern Baldness: Am I Going Bald?

mens hair loss replacement tupelo oxford starkville msIt is common for many men to experience male pattern baldness. Some men have the hair loss happen before the age of 30. Hair loss can happen quickly, which can leave individuals feeling embarrassed. If you can recognize the early signs of male pattern baldness you can better assess the next steps for hair loss solutions.

Aging and Hair Loss

As men age, male pattern baldness becomes more common. According to the American Hair Loss Association, by the time men reach the age of 35, over two-thirds of American men will display some degree of hair loss. By the age of 50, approximately 85% of men will have some degree of thinning hair.

While hair loss is common for lots of men, it can still be a slow and disheartening process. It’s not easy to see your hair thin and most men seek hair loss solution of some sort to try and reverse or conceal the signs of male pattern baldness.

Permanent hair loss can be a tough thing to have happen but there are many men’s hair loss solutions available to help men that are suffering with male pattern baldness so they can have their hair back like it was before the hair loss which can help them get back to living full and happy lives.

Hair Loss: It’s in Your Genes

mens hair restoration oxford starkville tupelo msIf you look back at photos of your family’s history you will probably see that genetics play a major role in male pattern baldness. You will most likely see members of your family with different degrees of hair loss.

It has been suggested that male pattern baldness comes from just one side of the family. This however is not true. Take a look back into your mother’s side and father’s side of family history and see what male members have male pattern baldness.

If it looks like male pattern baldness is common, talk to them and see when they first started to see signs of thinning hair and ask about the degree of hair loss. The more male individuals throughout your family that have hair loss, there is a greater chance you will too. If you begin to see signs of thinning hair, you should seek the advice from a hair restoration specialist that can perform a scalp analysis to help you find the best solution what will work for your hair loss.

DHT: The Leading Cause of Male Pattern Baldness

Testosterone acts directly on many tissues, some of its least desirable effects doesn’t happen until it is converted into another androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) according to Harvard Health. DHT acts on the skin, if often can produce acne, and on the hair follicles, putting hair on the chest but often taking if off the scalp.

When excessive amount of DHT is present it weakens the hair follicles, leading to hair loss by stopping the growth process. Too much DHT in the body can be caused by genetics but it can also be a side effect of using steroids or caused by chemicals produced by age-related prostate enlargement. If you are having issues with DHT, talk to your doctor. To alleviate the effects of hair loss, shampoo your hair frequently and consult with a hair loss specialist.

The Hairline And Crown Of The Head

Usually the early signs of male pattern baldness will include thinning of the hair line and bald areas at the crown of the head. You will know your hairline is receding as it gradually moves backward with the temples receding back more than the middle portion of the scalp.

As the issue progresses the hair becomes thinning and shorter which creates a horseshoe pattern around the side of the head. This pattern is a sign of advanced male pattern baldness. As male pattern baldness progresses, the receding will lead to bald spots. This is a sign that your hair is thinning at the crown and it spreads widening the side or middle part. If you are experiencing any form of hair thinning or hair loss, it’s not too late to seek hair restoration or replacement solutions.

Restore Your Hair. Restore Your Life.

We invite you to schedule your free, confidential hair loss replacement consultation today. Meet with a trained hair restoration professional at our state-of-the-art hair replacement center in Tupelo, Mississippi.

At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions in Tupelo, we offer a variety of state-of-the art men’s hair restoration and non-surgical hair loss treatment options for men with thinning hair and hair loss. Find your perfect hair loss solution today and fall in love with your mirror again. Call us today at (662) 842-1222 today.

mens hair styles toupee hair piece tupelo mississippi

Top 2017 Men’s Hair Styles (Infographic)

When a man starts to experience male pattern baldness or thinning hair, it can drastically how he looks at himself in the mirror, sending his self-image “down the drain” and how other perceive him, particularly if you happen to be a young man in your late teens or early twenties.

But thanks to the latest technologies in men’s hair loss treatment and non-surgical men’s hair restoration & hair loss replacement, men of all ages (from teens to corporate executives) can get back a full, thick, great looking head of hair that not only looks amazing, but it also looks and feels totally natural, just like your hair used to look before it started thinning.

And when you look at the latest cutting edge advances in the art of non-surgical hair replacement for men, you soon realize that you can quickly and easily get your hair back and feel and look like yourself again. The following infographic, courtesy of Men’s Hairstyles Today, shows a few of the very best haircuts and men’s hair styles that you can achieve to accentuate your own personal style and life.

Best Haircuts For Men By Face Shape #Infographic


Creative Hair Replacement – Tupelo, Mississippi

At Creative Hair Replacement in Tupelo, Mississippi, our personally customized men’s non-surgical hair replacement solutions combine the latest technology in non-surgical hair replacement with the latest in men’s hair styles to help you look and feel like yourself again.

At Creative Hair Replacement in Tupelo, we combine technology and artisty in as totally private, professional atmosphere for the latest in men’s hair loss treatment and hair restoration for men of all hair types and age groups.

So what are you waiting for. Book a private, no-obligation hair and scalp analysis and to get answers to all your hair loss and hair restoration questions, call us today or book a free, private appointment online today.