chlorine thinning hair treatment tupelo ms

Effects of Chlorine on Thinning Hair

chlorine thinning hair treatment tupelo msWhen the weather is warm there is no better way to cool off than enjoying a cool dip in the pool. Chlorine is a chemical that is used to keep the water safe, but it can also cause damage to our hair. Keeping your hair protected from the harmful effects of chlorine is vital. We have put together some helpful tips that can keep your hair looking good while being protected when in chlorinated pools.

Shower Before Swimming

Before you jump in that pool, look to see if there is a shower. If so, then soak your hair well before going in the water. While this may sound counter-productive, your hair is porous and by soaking your hair in fresh water it will fill with liquid. This will make it more difficult for chlorinated water to get into the hair follicles, which can damage the hair shaft. If you don’t have access to a shower, then use bottled water that you can bring with you to pour over your hair before jumping in the water. You can also run a little Moroccan argan oil or olive oil through wet hair before swimming to help waterproof your hair and keep it from damage.

Swim Cap

You may not be an Olympic swimmer, but you can still wear a swim cap. It will help a great deal to protect your hair from metal properties in chlorinated water and keep it dry as you swim. If you apply a deep conditioner to your hair before putting the cap on it will provide a more even protection. Another way to protect your hair is to tie it up or wear a scarf. If you go swimming outdoors, think about using UV protection hair spray which helps block the sun’s harmful rays.

Rinse Your Hair

When you get out of the pool it is a good idea to rinse off your hair with fresh water. Doing this will help in reducing the residual buildup of chemicals; therefore helping to protect your hair from damage.

Care for Your Hair

When you’re done swimming, the next step is caring for your hair with two deep shampoos to rinse off any chemicals. There are anti-chlorine shampoos that are great if you have dry or brittle hair. If your hair is colored, then apply a color-saving shampoo. It is important to rinse for longer than usual to get rid of any residual chemicals. Using a deep conditioning hair mask is another great way to treat your hair after swimming. Simply leave it on for 10-15 minutes.

By following these simple and easy tips you can enjoy cooling off in the pool while taking care of your hair, and helping it remain in the top condition.

healthy winter hair

Tips for Healthy Winter Hair

healthy winter hairThe doldrums of winter may be upon us, but with a little extra care, your hair can remain as healthy and great-looking as ever–whether it’s natural growth hair or a custom human hair addition.

1. DON’T FORGET TO DEEP CONDITION YOUR HAIR REGULARLY. To keep static electricity at bay, deep condition your hair to keep it smooth and moisturized. We can recommend several products, but Redken Smooth Down Butter is one of our favorites.

2. DON’T RUB YOUR HAIR DRY. Pat it dry instead. Rubbing your hair dry with a towel can cause damage when your hair is at it’s most delicate state. It’s best to pat it dry or let it dry on its own, especially hair additions. Hair additions can require an especially gentle touch to avoid pulling the hair from the base.

3. DON’T BLOWDRY IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO. An ionic hair dryer is a great investment if blow-drying your hair is a must for your hectic lifestyle. This type dryer will dry your hair faster with less damage, less frizz and more shine as it flattens and tightens the hair cuticle simutaneously. Additionally, the use of leave-in conditioners like It’s a 10 Miracle Leave In and Healthy Sexy Hair Frizz Eliminator will help strengthen hair when using blow dryers.

4. DON’T IGNORE DANDRUFF. Dandruff is a problem any time, but seems to be worse during winter. We find doctors recommend Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. It’s not only effective, but cost efficient. A healthy scalp will be more comfortable when wearing a hair addition.

5. DON’T SETTLE FOR STATIC. Avoid items that generate static electricity within your body like wool. It helps to brush your hair with wooden combs or brushes to reduce the static. And the more your hair is moisturized, the less you’ll suffer from static!

Remembering these tips should help your hair look it’s best despite what the winter weather may bring!

womens hair health

Can You Wash Your Hair Too Much?

womens hair healthMany of us go about our morning and bedtime routines in a sort of mental autopilot. Each time we shower or bathe, we wash our face, body, and hair with, respectively, a facial cleanser, soap or body wash, and shampoo. You may be surprised to learn that this seemingly healthy routine may be undermining your quest for glowing skin and shiny, full-bodied beautiful hair.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

The appearance of your face and your hair are both influenced by an oily substance called sebum that is secreted by sebaceous glands in the face and scalp. Some people produce excess sebum and tend to have oily skin and hair. Others produce little sebum and tend to have dry skin or hair. The amount of sebum an individual generates may change during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

How often you should wash your hair depends on how much sebum you produce. Dermatologists recommend that shampooing daily is usually unnecessary. In some cases (if you’ve been exercising, live in a very humid environment, or have very fine, oily hair) shampooing daily may be warranted.

Absent the aforementioned scenarios, your scalp and hair will probably not become dirty or oily enough to require daily need cleaned. When you shampoo and your hair and scalp don’t have excess dirt and oil, you’ll simply be stripping away a beneficial layer of natural oil.

Maintaining Healthy Hair & Scalp

The key is balance: You don’t want to allow oil to build up and cause your hair to appear greasy, nor do you want to remove the moisturizing and protective properties of your skin’s natural oils. Over-shampooing can dry out your hair causing breakage and dry out your scalp causing dandruff.

There is no definite one-size-fits-all rule to shampooing frequency (although some dermatologists note that the longest you should ever go without shampooing is about 14 days.) It’s best to evaluate your hair scenario daily. If your scalp feels itchy, if your hair looks oily, if you have a build-up of styling products in your hair, if you’ve just returned from the beach or pool, it’s probably time to shampoo.

If you shampooed a day or a few days ago, and your hair still looks good you can probably skip the shampoo. In fact, some types and styles of hair actually improve in appearance between washes.

Next time you prepare to bathe or shower, try to switch your brain off of autopilot! Instead of reaching for the shampoo, you may decide to reach for a shower cap or enjoy a water-only rinse.


scalp psoriasis

Dealing with the Effects of Scalp Psoriasis

scalp psoriasisHave you noticed itchy scaly skin invading your scalp? Has the itch become so severe that you are even experiencing upsetting hair loss? This issue can be due to a skin disease called scalp psoriasis. As most of the symptoms of scalp psoriasis are temporary, hair loss and itchy scalp can still be an embarrassing issue that is hard for some people to cope with. Lack of confidence can hinder performance in our daily activities and therefore it’s beneficial to utilize this article for tips to cope with hair loss caused by scalp psoriasis.

What Is Scalp Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common inflammatory disease that causes scaly skin. This type of skin disease appears as red scaling, slightly raised bumps that are frequently seen on the elbows and knees but also commonly occurs on the scalp. This scaly rash on the scalp is also extremely itchy, which can lead to hair loss. Scalp psoriasis can also extend beyond the scalp and reach down to the forehead. Sometimes, it extends to the back of the neck or appears behind the ears. This skin disease can be really uncomfortable and make people feel very self conscious about their appearance. Psoriasis affects everyone differently but is a disease that typically lasts a lifetime. However, for some, psoriasis completely clears up for months or even years at a time.

What Causes Scalp Psoriasis?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, researchers estimate that at least 50% of the people who have plaque psoriasis will have at least one flare-up on the scalp. Regardless of where psoriasis forms, the cause will be the same. The skin disease develops when a person’s immune system has faulty signals that tell skin cells to grow quicker than usual with new skin cells forming in days rather than weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells and these skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin, causing patches of psoriasis to appear (Source).

Related: How Does Trichotillomania Affect Your Hair and Scalp?

What Are the Symptoms?

Scalp psoriasis affects everyone differently and can appear in large or small patches anywhere on the scalp and beyond the scalp. Larger patches are challenging and uncomfortable while smaller patches are easier to hide with different hairstyles. The following are some symptoms that can occur from scalp psoriasis:

  • Dry Scalp: The scalp becomes extremely dry, which can lead to cracks and even bleeding.
  • Itchiness: Scalp psoriasis is itchy and in most cases is mild but in more severe cases can cause intense and continuous scratching.
  • Reddish Rash: some patches can be extremely inflamed, and some may only be slightly noticeable up close.
  • Flaky Scalp: the scalp can become flaky and look very similar to dandruff.
  • Temporary Hair Loss: The patches of dry skin, flakiness and intense itching can all lead to patches of temporary hair loss.

How To Cope with Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss

The first tip to coping with scalp psoriasis hair loss is to not stress out and do what you can to avoid itching, which further irritates the skin. Be gentle when washing your hair and remember this skin disease isn’t due to something you are doing wrong so don’t beat yourself up over it. Next, if you feel embarrassed or self-conscious, find a solution that makes you feel more confident so you can regularly function throughout the day without constantly feeling insecure. Some people choose to wear hats or custom wigs to cover any patches of hair loss or thinning. This is a viable solution but be sure if you do so, the items are not further irritating the skin and making the issue worse. Ultimately, the best solution is to talk to a dermatologist or hair restoration professional who can provide a confidential hair loss evaluation. They will provide you with complete information regarding causes of hair loss and specific treatment for hair replacement and prevention options tailored to your individual situation and lifestyle.


Hair care for thinning hair. Tupelo Hair Loss Clinic.

Keeping Your Hair Healthy

Hair care for thinning hair. Tupelo Hair Loss Clinic.Keeping your hair healthy is an important part of maintaining your health. Many people think that keeping your hair health is a simple as avoiding harsh chemical treatments and making sure to get a trim a few times per year. While these types of maintenance practices are important, it doesn’t just end there, particularly if you have thinning hair or are beginning to experience hair loss.

Here are six ways that you can keep your hair healthy.

Maintain a healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy, protein rich diet is an important part of keeping your hair healthy. Science has shown levels of vitamin B and D to correlate with healthy hair in individuals. Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a Chicago-based dietitian, says “if you eat a healthy diet, you will grow stronger and healthier cells throughout your entire body—inside and out.”

Brush wisely. Always use a wide-tooth comb when you’re combing your hair. Begin at the root of your hair and gently bring the comb all the way to the end. If you feel that your hair is breaking remove the comb and try to disentangle the hair with your fingers. If at all possible, avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet, since that is when hair is at its weakest.

Dry safely. Avoid drying your hair with a blow dryer. Allow your hair to dry naturally. If you must use a blow dryer, only use it after your hair has dried naturally. Use the blow dryer just for a few minutes to help the hair get completely dry.

Consider your hair washing routine. Hair washing is particular to the type and integrity of your hair. If you have particularly oily hair, you may wash every day or every other day. For people with dryer hair, washing may occur as little as once a week. If you wash your hair daily, consider using a milder shampoo that won’t dry your hair out as much.

Trim your split ends. It is essential for women to get regular trims in order to rid their hair of split ends, says Valerie Monroe, Oprah magazine column writer. Many women don’t realize that untreated split ends become split hairs. You can identify a split end by looking at the ends of your hair. A split end will look exactly how it sounds: a single piece of hair that comes apart into two pieces at the very end

Be gentle with wet hair. As stated earlier, wet hair is more fragile than dry hair. Towel dry your hair very carefully when you get out of the shower. Refrain from brushing wet hair in order to prevent damage. Instead of brushing it when it’s wet, brush it well before you wash it. Not only will this help your hair remain unbroken it will also loosen dead flakes and skin from your scalp to help with cleaning during the shampooing process.

We don’t often take the time to care for our hair in a way that will allow it to get healthy and stay healthy. Try to budget a few minutes into your morning and evening schedule to spend some quality time tending to your locks. A few minutes every day may seem like a stretch, but it will be worth it the next time you look in the mirror.

Health Scalp Care

A Way to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss, for lots of men and women, is very common. Because there is no cure for hair loss, the feeling of being powerless is normal, especially if you are between the ages of 20 and 40 and genetics are playing a role in your hair loss. Most guys take an “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” approach to their impending baldness.

The Truth

If your family has a history of hair loss you don’t have to fear the future. You don’t necessarily need to rush out and sign up for laser hair loss treatments on your 21st birthday, but there is something you should do that can maximize your chances to keep your hair and that is to not ignore your scalp. A person’s scalp is not a glamorous part of the body to talk about, and it usually gets little to no attention to care but it is the one thing that your hair grows from and it shouldn’t be ignored.

Why Your Scalp Matters

The growing part of your hair is called the hair follicle and it lives in your scalp. Taking care of your scalp is one of the easiest ways you can keep your hair looking good as you age. Complete prevention of some scalp-related hair loss can be achieved, but only if the problem gets resolved quickly. If you keep your scalp healthy, you give your hair the best chance to keep it longer.

Do Something Now to Help Prevent Hair Loss

The benefit of consistently paying attention to your scalp is you will be more likely to notice any early signs of hair loss when they appear. If there are signs, then you need to not deny they are present and get help from a hair loss expert. There are many hair loss treatments that stand a far better chance of being effective if they are administered early.

Nutrition & Healthy Hair and Scalp

A Healthy Diet: Feed Your Hair (Among Other Things)

Nutrients: A Direct Link to Healthy Hair

Nutrition & Healthy Hair and ScalpWhen it comes to healthy hair, one of the first places to start is with improving your diet. Often times, dull looking skin, hair without shine, or even thinning hair stems from a poor diet. It does not have to be hard to make changes to your diet to see results, though. These tips will help:

  • Eat a variety of vegetables. A rainbow of colors is critical to your diet. Each color of vegetable represents a different set of nutrients. The more vegetables you eat, the more nutrients you get. Switch to whole grains. Instead of eating simple sugars in “white” carbs, eat whole grains instead. Making this switch can help in numerous ways, including helping you to lose any extra weight you may have.
  • Add in a multivitamin to your diet. Doing so will give your body even more of the nutrients you are lacking.

The best foods for great looking hair include the following. Add these to your diet to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs for great looking hair.

  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Lentils
  • Oysters
  • Spinach

Food is a great place to start, but it may not be enough to transform your hair into a healthy, strong, and thick mass. You’ll also need to focus on other areas of health management.

Detox Your Body

Sometimes it is not the lack of good nutrition going into your body, but also the buildup of toxins in your body. By eating more nutrient-rich vegetables, you’ll get antioxidants that will help to flush out these toxins. However, for faster results, you may want to do a three to five day detox.

Detox diets can help to cleanse your body of the toxin buildup present. Be sure to look for one that is more of a “green” detox. This way, your body is getting those all important nutrients and antioxidants through the process.

Have Your Hair and Skin Professionally Cared For

You may not realize it, but the chemical treatments, colorings, and other over the counter products you put in your hair are damaging it. You probably realize that the various makeup products, cleansing products, and sunscreens are also loading up your skin. One of the best ways to improve this is to seek out professional help.

By seeing a professional hairdresser or salon with the tools to help you to strip your hair clean and remove the buildup present, it will begin to look great sooner than you think. The same goes for your skin. Seek out a dermatologist and you’ll notice your skin feels better and looks great.

Know the Risks

Finally, be sure you know what any problems are with your hair and scalp. You can and should talk to professionals about any areas of concern you may have. However, it is a very good idea to invest in a one-on-one discussion about any problem areas present.

For example, you may be using curling irons or other hot tools on a regular basis. This could be the cause of damage to your hair. You may be using the wrong products in your hair. Ask your technician about the products you are using on your skin, too.

Fall In Love With Your Hair

At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions in Tupelo, Mississippi, we offer a variety of amazing hair loss solutions for both men and women with thinning hair and hair loss. If you are experiencing thinning hair or balding, or have concerns about your hair, we invite you to contact us to schedule a free, private consultation to find out what’s going on and to find an affordable solution that meets your needs. We can be reached at (662) 842-1222.