womens hair loss replacement tupelo starkville oxford mississippi

Diabetes and Hair Loss: A Closer Look

womens hair loss replacement tupelo starkville oxford mississippiHaving diabetes means that your body either doesn’t produce insulin, doesn’t use insulin effectively, or both. Insulin is the hormone responsible for converting sugar in the bloodstream into energy that can be used elsewhere in the body, but when you don’t have enough, sugar can build up in the bloodstream.

This excess sugar can damage your blood vessels, which prevents them from carrying enough oxygen to your hair follicles. Without enough oxygen, your hair follicles won’t act the way they’re meant to, and you might see hair loss or lack of new hair growth.

Hair Loss Treatment Options

Luckily, it is possible to treat the hair loss associated with diabetes. If hair loss is caused by poor management of your diabetes, then talking to your doctor about how better to control the condition is a smart move.

If you’re already managing your diabetes well and still need help, the treatment options below might be appropriate.

Biotin Supplements

There is evidence to suggest that people with diabetes might suffer from low levels of biotin, a vitamin which helps support healthy hair growth. Biotin can be taken as a daily supplement to encourage hair growth, but it’s best to seek advice from your doctor first.

Wigs and Hairpieces

If nothing seems to be improving your hair loss, wearing a beautiful human hair wig or women’s hair replacement system is a great way to preserve your confidence and self-esteem. Wigs made from real hair offer the most realistic effect, and it’s unlikely that anyone will ever notice that you’re wearing a wig. There are several hair loss options available that are proven to work.

Experiencing hair loss as a result of your diabetes doesn’t have to be the end of the world. By working with your doctor to manage the condition and exploring hair loss treatment options, you can keep your hair looking exactly the way you want it.

At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions, we know first-hand how hair loss can affect not only your appearance, but how it can affect your self-confidence and self-esteem in family, social and professional interactions.

hair loss restoration treatment tupelo oxford starkville ms

What is Trichotillomania? Who Does It Affect?

TrichotillomaniaTrichotillomania is an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It refers to the repetitive and irresistible pulling of hair. A person suffering from trichotillomania may pull hair from the scalp, face, or pubic areas, leading to severe hair loss. Trichotillomania can affect anyone but occurs most often in women from age 13 well into adulthood.

The disorder is one of the most common body-focused repetitive behaviors. Studies also show that it is more prevalent in young adults and teenagers.

What are the Causes of Trichotillomania?

We do not know the exact causes of trichotillomania. However, studies suggest that some genetic and environmental factors contribute to its occurrence. These factors include anxiety or stress. When under pressure or in uncomfortable situations, a person’s way of coping could be the pulling of hair. Scientists also link it to a chemical imbalance in the brain as with other OCDs. The change of hormonal levels during puberty may also cause trichotillomania.

Trichotillomania Symptoms

Bald patches can be a sign that one is suffering from the disorder. These patches may be irregular and may be more on one side than the others. However, not all patches result from it; they may result from an unrelated skin infection.

Another sign may be failing to stop pulling your hair even when trying to. Most people with trichotillomania also play or chew the pulled-out hair.

Treatment Options for Trichotillomania

The disorder is manageable through therapies and the use of some medications. Over time, the patient will stop pulling their hair or, at the very least, reduce it.

There are three forms of therapies. These are habit reversal training, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive therapy. Habit reversal training enables you to increase your awareness of the disorder’s triggers. It also teaches you to replace hair pulling with another action that is not harmful. This is the primary treatment for trichotillomania. Acceptance and commitment therapy enables you to recognize your urges without acting upon them. Cognitive therapy helps you change how you perceive things and how you let them affect you.

Some medications, such as N-acetylcysteine, may lessen the symptoms of trichotillomania. Antidepressants can also do the same. However, these medications are not effective treatment options for the disorder.

Trichotillomania: Leading a Normal Life

While the disorder affects approximately 3.5 percent of the US population, its awareness is lacking. You can preach awareness and openness. Awareness to help reduce stigma and enhance diagnosis and treatment–openness to ease the sharing of experiences. Hiding of the condition may make the anxiety worse. Worthy to note, hair pulling is not self-harm. It is a self-soothing action.

If you are experiencing the devastating effects of hair loss and would like to learn more about the different hair restoration and hair replacement options available to men and women in Tupelo, Mississippi, please contact us to schedule a private, no-obligation consultation.



Health Scalp Care

Common Misconceptions about Shampooing and Hair Loss

Health Scalp CareLosing your hair can be difficult. Many people make assumptions about what is causing them to lose their hair and actually end up causing more harm than good. The following guide walks you through a few of the common misconceptions that people have about hair loss. Is shampooing your hair one of them?

Washing Your Hair Daily Causes Hair Loss

People often think that they lose their hair because they wash their hair too frequently. When you wash your hair, it is common for a few strands to come loose from your scalp. This isn’t caused from the shampoo you are using or the way that you are washing your hair. The body naturally loses hair on a daily basis and the hair that comes out when you wash your hair is natural. If you don’t wash your hair regularly, the hair follicles can become clogged with dirt, dust and oil that actually diminishes the speed that the hair grows.

Washing Your Hair Causes Damage to Your Scalp

Some people assume that washing their hair regularly causes their hair to not grow as frequently or to fall out more frequently. They assume that washing their hair causes them to remove the natural oil from their scalp which affects the growth. That isn’t the case, though. When you wash your hair, you massage your scalp. Massage stimulates the hair follicles, which promote hair growth, allowing your hair to be as healthy and thick as possible.

There is No Rhyme or Reason to Hair Loss

Some people assume that there is no rhyme or reason to their hair loss and assume that it is something that they simply have to learn to live with the fact that they are losing their hair. That isn’t the case, though. Many different things can impact hair loss.

There are foods that you can eat that can decrease hair loss. They include eggs, dairy, spinach, carrots and sweet potatoes. Stress can also impact hair loss. Try to minimize stress as much as you can to decrease the amount of hair that you lose. This can be done through exercise, meditation or simply getting more sleep. To find out what may be causing your hair loss and how to treat your unique situation properly contact us today to schedule a free, private consultation and see which hair loss solution is right for you.


Alopecia Human Hair Wigs - Tupelo, MS

Do Blondes Really Have More Fun; Which Hair Color Attracts the Most?

Alopecia Human Hair Wigs - Tupelo, MSMost of us have heard the saying, “Blondes have more fun.” While that is simply a version of an ad campaign by Shirley Polykoff for Clairol hair color back in 1955, it is still relevant today to how we feel about certain hair colors.

Shirley was certainly on to something. According to studies that have been done in the past, the overwhelming majority of people have darker colored hair. With over 90 percent with dark hair, just 3 percent of the entire worldwide population are true blondes with only 2 percent being true redheads.

This may actually be in part why there is much success in the hair color industry with people who change their hair color to stand out from the crowd.

A study by Clairol in 2008 found that 75 percent of women in the United States dye their hair and almost 90 percent of women feel their hair affects their level of confidence.

By the Numbers

Everyone has their own personal preferences, but it varies by gender when you look at the statistics. According to a study done in 2014 by the dating site PlentyofFish, the most popular hair color of men that women choose to contact is brown, with blonde coming in second.

However, when it comes to the preferences of men and their favorite hair color, the numbers are different. A study referenced on Psychology Today showed that blondes received more invitations from men, with brunettes in second place, and redheads in a distant third.

On the other hand, a study done by Viren Swami and Seishin Barrett, psychologists at the University of Westminster, had photos shown to men of women with varying hair colors. The article published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology showed blondes were perceived as more of a damsel in distress and were more easily approachable. However, brunettes were deemed more intelligent yet arrogant, and redheads were rated the most temperamental, least shy and, surprisingly, the most sexually promiscuous.

Hair Matters

No matter what your personal preference, it is clear that when it comes to perception as well as attraction – sometimes it is all about the hair color when it comes to first impressions and our hair matters.

If you’re experiencing hair loss you may also be experiencing a loss in confidence. At North Mississippi Hair Loss Solutions, we will help you find the perfect hair loss treatment or hair restoration solution for you, regardless of cause or hair type.